50 gorgeous pictures with 50 amazing quotes from poetry, rock music, classic literature, and beyond.

We’ve got a new book out. The Joro Spider Journal: The Blue Book. It hosts a large collection of amazing photographs looking at the South’s most exciting spider.

There’s more. It’s a journal useful for writing and doodling, but it’s not like the journals you might have seen. Not only does it highlight the beauty of a large gentle giant, but it also is filled with quotes that you don’t see in your everyday writing journal.

Prince, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen. Fyodor Dostoevsky, Charles Dickens, and Gerard Manley Hopkins. They are all there and more to inspire and challenge you to think and wonder.

We would love for you to take a look. Buy one for yourself or your nature loving friend. And please, give it a review. The review helps tell readers what it’s all about from other readers who really know. Reviews do make a difference. 

If this spider intrigues you (we love it!), take a look at their site, jorospider.com


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