I’ve published a new short story. “The First Time You Die.” It isn’t a silly modern tall tale like my others you might’ve seen. It’s not for children. There’s no profanity or sensual scenes. But it is about death. And within it, my story examines some related difficult topics. Grab one for your Kindle and head to your fort.
My narrator is completely untrustworthy, but he means well. Sometimes, possibly, he tells the truth. He tells you everything. Just him. Well, he’s not alone. He’s talking to another guy. Both are dead.
On the surface, it is a ghost story, but I’ll tell you directly: it isn’t. No one goes “boo!” I doubt you will have nightmares. Are there ghosts? You tell me.
Scroll down to read the marketing copy. If Kindle books had back book blurbs, this would be that.
How to Read This Book
Quietly, thoughtfully. It will take you around 30 minutes. It’s got some textures and layers to it. Usually, I’ll suggest you read aloud. You could. As you’ll discover, there’s just one speaker. Louis. He’s the narrator; he’s more than a narrator. Meanwhile, there’s nothing else. Just Louis. Imagine walking with him for a half hour, listening.
If you do read aloud, it will take 50-70 minutes. He’s a tricky voice to deliver, so give it your best.
This is literature. Art. Sure, you can find classic novels for the same price. I’m not suggesting my short story is worth more than a novel by Hemingway or Fitzgerald. Hardly. They’ll sell thousands-upon-thousands, year-after-year and for good reason.
Think of it like a cup of coffee while you read. And I’ll think of it like you buying me a cup of coffee while I read. Thank you!
Writing in a COVID Context
COVID-19 means no bookstore readings. No spoken word performances. No library talks. Writers usually do those kinds of things. We also like writing in cafes, bistros, and funky places of all manner. None of that this last year.
Instead, we write in our basements, kitchen tables, and extra bedrooms. Live feedback is hard to find.
What’s Next?
More stories are in the queue. If you like “The First Time You Die,” you’ll like the ones coming soon. They are edgy, to say the least. All for readers 15 and up. There are more silly tales too coming down the pike. Follow my Amazon page to stay caught-up.
Being dead isn’t what you think. There are rules.
Louis Copland has been dead over 50 years, and he is on hand to give the newly deceased Roger Aldridge, a “freshie,” a tour of their cemetery. Who’s who in the yard, the rules about their present situation, and a strong warning about the gate.
In the cemetery are one big city mayor, a reluctant saint, and more than a few criminals. One thing that’s hard to find is the truth.
Roger can’t talk, and Louis has a lot to say. Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
“The First Time You Die” is unlike any tale you’ve read, and ready to challenge your thoughts about life, death, and all that’s after.
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