
Regarding Unsolicited Manuscripts

Tree Fort Books cannot presently accept unsolicited manuscripts. We are thrilled you consider us worthy of your great book and wish you the best.

You’re looking for a publisher. That’s why you’re here. You’ve written an excellent book, you’ve taken the time to edit it, and you are hoping to find a happy home.

Well done.

Now what?

First of all, don’t send us your manuscript. That sounds harsh, but presently we are not accepting manuscripts. We won’t read your submissions.

If you are looking for a major publisher, you’re going to need an agent. Learn how to write a proper query to an agent.

If you are looking to self-publish, you have lots of options. If you do it all yourself, you have a lot of skills to learn. You’ve got to learn cover design, book layout, marketing, advertising, and more. There are some great resources to teach you what you need to know, and then you can fine tune the parts you still need to learn. Whatever you do, get good advice and then follow it.

If you haven’t, check out the books listed. They aren’t the only books on the topic as you’ll quickly discover, and you probably don’t need all of them. You might be able to get some from your public library.

If nothing else, see Writer’s Market 100th Edition: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published. It is the singular best place to start when submitting your writing to a publisher. Unless, of course, you have an uncle in the acquisitions department. That’s good too.

We need all our resources to publish books through our existing projects and authors. So many books, so little time.

Good luck!

If you want to build your own tree fort, check out these books on Amazon. I get a cut from anything you buy through the link.


True friends are always together in spirit.

L. M. Montgomery

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